
Our Rooms

When you stay at The Saxon Inn, you’ll be able to choose from one of our four luxurious room types. All of our rooms feature what we believe to be standard hotel amenities, including complimentary Wi-Fi, tea and coffee, toiletries, towels, hairdryers, and an en-suite shower. These recently renovated rooms also have heated towel rails, providing you with supreme comfort, and Freeview TVs. Take a look at our gorgeous selection of rooms below.

the saxon inn amazing food about us
Saxon Inn-54
the saxon inn lovely atmosphere about us
the saxon inn about us amazing food


Our first room is one of our largest, featuring a twin bed with linen bedding, which makes it perfect for travelling friends. This room has plenty of desk space and a large armchair, both of which will ensure that your stay is more comfortable.


The second of our larger rooms features a super king-sized bed with linen bedding for maximum comfort. You’ll find that this room also features desk space, as well as a relaxing armchair and plenty of storage for your luggage.

The Hill

This room sports a spacious double bed with cotton bed linen and a bath to complement the en-suite shower, making it ideal for couples who are looking to enjoy a country retreat. What’s more, pets are allowed in this room, so you can take your animal companion along for the trip.


This final, cosier room features a luxurious armchair, perfect for relaxing after a long day out. The smaller, 4ft double bed, with cotton bed linen, provides a comfortable space in which to rest and also allows more room for you to store belongings.

A hidden Gem!


From the moment we arrived, our group of five (cycling friends) were made to feel extremely welcome by Sarah (the owner) and her team. It’s a beautiful inn that’s been decorated very tastefully. The bar area and restaurant is very cosy and there was a lovely atmosphere (almost home from home) as we walked into the inn.

Superb Sunday lunch!

Julie B

A fantastic pub, friendly, welcoming staff, excellent Sunday lunch with extra thought put into this traditional meal (in fact, the best Sunday lunch I have had for absolutely years). I would certainly recommend it and am planning our next visit soon.

A hidden Gem!


From the moment we arrived, our group of five (cycling friends) were made to feel extremely welcome by Sarah (the owner) and her team. It’s a beautiful inn that’s been decorated very tastefully. The bar area and restaurant is very cosy and there was a lovely atmosphere (almost home from home) as we walked into the inn.

Superb Sunday lunch!

Julie B

A fantastic pub, friendly, welcoming staff, excellent Sunday lunch with extra thought put into this traditional meal (in fact, the best Sunday lunch I have had for absolutely years). I would certainly recommend it and am planning our next visit soon.

Trip Advisor